Saturday, August 22, 2009

On patience

I never knew how much children tested your patience until I had them. Boy oh boy. Or rather, a now three year old boy and a baby girl. I've lost my patience more times than I care to admit. But on nights like tonight, when I mostly kept it while being severely tested, I feel better. And yes, more elegant.

I simply can't imagine Audrey Hepburn losing her patience with her children. I've seen pictures of her older son dressed up in various superhero costumes and it looks like there was a lot of love and a lot of fun in her family. Since she was among the most elegant people to ever live, I think there's a clue here.

So, keep your chin up and your patience as best you can. (I'm telling this to myself.)

1 comment:

  1. what is elegance without patience? then again, what could a fool know of elegance? i open doors then nudge people through them.... and hopefully catch some smiles.... can there be a foolish elegance? or a savage elegance? both involve simplicity, yes?
