Sunday, August 2, 2009

If not now...

Tonight we had baked pasta with salad for dinner, and melon for dessert. I mention this because it's a rather every day type meal, at least for us. On a whim, however, I served it on our "good" china, i.e. the beautiful china we received as a wedding present, which we have not used since Christmas. I put a garden rose in a jar on the table and used cloth napkins, a cloth tablecloth, and pretty wine glasses.

I'm glad I did.

For me, it's nicer (and yes, more elegant) to have dinner on a real table cloth, with real dishes, real food, and cloth napkins. This is real life, of course, so it's not perfect. But it's easier to keep your good humor (or recover it) while watching the two year old attempt to use a big fork on a thin china plate and sip milk from a real glass instead of a sippy cup. (He used Tom's childhood drinking cup, which was a chipped beef jar. We found it in the wood pile outside.) But if he doesn't get used to eating properly at the table when he's young, then when?

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